Pop-Up Experience & Web App created for Design for America's Summer 2022 Design Accelerator with Unilever brand, MELE.

DFA led with this initial HMW statement: 
How might we build an authentic skincare movement that centers science, self-esteem, and healthy practices, so everyone can love the skin they're in?

This project was an exercise in creative problem solving. Designers were split into regional teams, given an introduction to the brand and then challenged to immerse, reframe, ideate, and design based on our team's unique research journey and findings.

Prototypes were created in Figma and tested for usability in Figma & Maze.











We conducted secondary research to learn as much as we could from current discussions in the challenge area before conducting user interviews and surveys. Findings from research were synthesized collaboratively using affinity mapping.



  • Users that don't have experience with skincare are hesitant to develop a skincare routine because they don't trust the majority of skincare advice sources including dermatology and influencers/product reviewers with different skin types.
  • Users are interested in learning more about their skin type and developing a skincare routine, but don't want to waste any time or money in the process.
  • Inexperienced users favored simplicity over anything else when it came to developing a skincare routine.
  • Users shop for products in-store so they can try products before they purchase them.
  • Users trust word of mouth or in-store associates and trusted those with similar skin types to their own.

Design Goals

  • Users will have quick access to trustworthy, science-based skincare information.
  • Users will be given a simple, personalized recommendation based on their unique skin-type.
  • Users will be able to test the products for themselves before making any kind of commitment to a skincare routine.
"How might we provide accurate and personalized information to inexperienced users so they can make informed decisions regarding their choices in skincare?"


Working from our our new How Might We statement, we encouraged any and every idea.

Feature Prioritization

We refined ideas using dot voting and quadrant analysis, allowing us to prioritize our concepts for prototyping. We decided to move forward with an in-person physical experience & hands on sample box paired with a face-mapping app for a real-time diagnostic and personalized skincare regimen our users could trust. We really wanted to keep a community aspect in the design, so instead of in-store, we moved forward with a pop-up experience that could travel between community events (schools, festivals, conventions, etc.)


Prototyping was divided by team members. I designed the sign in screen through the face-mapping analysis result screens and linked all screen designs to create a working prototype. User flow and our initial digital prototype were created in Figma, then tested for usability in Maze and iterated based on those insights.



  • Users wanted to spend less time in the digital experience
  • Users were worried about privacy & data issues surrounding face mapping technology
  • Users didn't want to pick between products since they're receiving free samples
  • Users wanted the option of shipping or claiming their sample box in the pop-up

Iteration & Final Prototype


  • Descriptions in tap-to-open highlighted were abbreviated with option to learn more
  • Privacy disclaimer added
  • All recommended products automatically added to user's sample box
  • Option added to claim box on site


The most valuable part of this project for me was working within a team dynamic - taking accountability for my role and responsibilities and trusting my team to do the same, being flexible and supporting one-another. Some scheduling challenges were inevitable with team members in different time zones, and all working full-time jobs in tandem.

We eased scheduling issues with standing weekly meetings. We worked in a collaborative FigJam board and every meeting was recorded and shared within our Slack team for full visibility.

Staying within our deadline limitations, we had time for only one round of user testing and one iteration for the final design. Given more time, we would have liked to repeat that process at least once more. Our final project was delivered to DFA project leads, MELE brand representatives, Unilever scientists, and seven other design teams. We received valuable feedback, praising our design for the hybrid pop-up/digital experience, for its simplicity and accuracy, and its community-centered foundation.

Get in touch

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to learn more about me or if you're interested in working together. Send me a message or shoot me an email at